General Policy Limitations
Benefits are not payable under the Policy for any of the following or loss that results therefrom:
- Dental care or Treatment other than care of sound, natural teeth and gums required due to an Injury resulting from an Accident while the Covered Person is insured under this Policy, and rendered within 12 months of the Accident.
- War or any act of war, declared or undeclared; or while serving in the armed forces of any country (a pro-rata premium will be refunded for such period of service).
- Participation in a riot or civil disorder; fighting or brawling, except in self-defense; commission of or attempt to commit a felony.
- Injury or death contributed to by the use of drugs or alcohol, unless administered by a Physician.
- Operating any vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or without being properly licensed and insured to do so.
- Participation in, practice for, or orthopedic equipment and appliances used for; intercollegiate or interscholastic, sport, contest or competition sponsored by the University, any professional or semi-professional sport, (except as specified in the Coverage Descriptions).
- Skydiving, parachuting, hang gliding, glider flying, parasailing, sail planning, bungee jumping, or flight in any type of aircraft, except while riding as a fare-paying passenger on a regularly-scheduled airline.
- Treatment, services or supplies provided by a Hospital or facility owned or run by the United States Government, unless a charge is made for such services in the absence of insurance; or in a Hospital which does not unconditionally require payment.
- Cosmetic surgery, except cosmetic surgery which the Covered Person needs as the result of an Accident which happens while he is insured under this Policy or reconstructive surgery needed as a result of a congenital disease or abnormality of a covered newborn dependent child which has resulted in a functional defect.
- Elective Treatments and voluntary testing other than as specifically provided in the Policy.
- Injury or Sickness covered by Worker’s Compensation or Employer’s Liability Laws, or by any coverage provided or required by law (including, but not limited to group, group type, and individual automobile “No-Fault” coverage).
- Nasal or Sinus Surgery (unless required due to an Injury resulting from an Accident while the Covered Person is insured under this Policy)
- The diagnosis and treatment of Infertility.
- For international students only, Expenses incurred within the Covered Person’s home country or country of regular domicile.
- Routine foot care, including the treatment of corns, calluses and bunions.
- Impotence, whether organic or otherwise.
- Nonmalignant warts, moles or lesions.
- Accupuncture
- Alternative Health Care
- Other services as specified in the plan brochure found here