Mordekai Ongo, PhD.

Mordekai Ongo, PhD.
Title: Research Integrity and Compliance OfficerOmbudsman
Office Location: Buller Hall 234
Phone: (269) 471-6361
PhD. Higher Education Administration (AU)
MS. Software Engineering (AU)
MS. Engineering Management (AU)
BA. Business Administration (UEAB)
Mordekai is the Research Integrity & Compliance Officer in the Department of Research and Creative Scholarship at Andrews University. He earned his PhD in Higher Education Administration from Andrews University.
He has over 9 years experience in research, research integrity and compliance, responsible conduct of research, institutional review board, and institutuonal animal care and use committe . He has direct responsibilities for leadership, coordination of institutuional review board, protocol review and approval, research administration, post approval monitoring, investigator, IRB members, and staff education, responsible conduct of research, clinical, and compliance issues.
In addition to his position, Mordekai also serve as univesity ombudsman, Vice-President Staff senate.
Mordekai received a BA in Business Administration (University of Eastern Africa, Baraton), MSc in Engineering Administration, MSc in Software Engineering, and a PhD. in Higher Education, Andrews University. Mordekai’s interest in research focuses on ethics, advancing ethical and responsible research practices in biomedical and social behavioral sciences, higher education, and technology.
Current Research or Professional Activities
Current Research Interest (2021): Covid-19 Vaccine hesitancy at a mid-western United States
Published Scholarly Work: · Lim, J., Covrig, D., Freed, S., De Oliveira, B., Ongo, M., & Newman, I. (2019). Strategies to assist distance doctoral students in completing their dissertations. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 20(5), 192-210. · Covrig, D., Ongo, M, & Ledesma, J. (2012). Integrating four types of moral leadership. The Journal of Applied Christian Leadership 6(1), 36-63 · Burton, L.D., Stout, J., Mbungu, D., Katenga, J., Ongo, M., St. Juste, P.G., Lonser, V.Y., Boyd, C., & DeJonge-Moore, K. (2011). Engaging diverse STEM students in transformative learning. Presentations · Covrig, D., Ongo, M., & Ledesma, J. (2012). Integrating competing moral leadership types within an organization. Presented at International Leadership Conference, Denver, Colorado, October 24-27 · Covrig, D., Newman, I., Freed, S., Gonzalez, S., de Oliveria, B., & Ongo, M. (2012). Helping distance students complete research. SoTL conference. Indiana University South Bend, April 20.
ams at Andrews University. Poster presented at the Andrews University Celebration of Scholarship, April 2, 2009.
PROFESSIONAL CONFERENCES ATTENDED: · Office of Human Subjects Protections (OHRP) in conjunction with Indiana University Office of Research Compliance, Suburban Indianapolis, Indiana Research Community Forum: New Frontiers in Human Subjects Research, September 20-21, 2022. · Adventist Human-Subject Researchers Association Annual Conference, May 18-21, 2022. Advent Health University, Orlando, Florida. · Adventist Human-Subject Researchers Association seminar on Promoting Research Integrity: A trainer-of-trainers seminar for investigators and ethics administrators, April 7-9, Nairobi, Kenya. · Office for Human Subjects Protections (OHRP) Virtual Research Community Forum (RFC): Breaking Down Barriers: Addressing Challenging Research and Regulations Hosted by: University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, June 15-16, 2021. · Office for Human Subjects Protections (OHRP) Exploratory workshop: Practical & ethical considerations for single IRB review. Virtual. Thursday, September17, 2020. · Office for Human Subjects Protections (OHRP) Exploratory workshop: Virtual: “Privacy and Health Research in a Data-Driven World” Thursday, September 19, 2019. · Office for Human Subjects Protections (OHRP) Forum Workshop. Overview of the revised common rule with a focus on exemptions. Governors State University, University Park November 15, 2017. · National Institute of Health (NIH) & OHRP Forum Workshop. Program funding and grants management. Getting through human subjects research reviews with skills. October 26-28, 2016. Chicago, IL. · National Institute of Health (NIH) & OHRP Forum Workshop. The changing landscape of research: Where do we go from here? June 21-22, 2016 Nashville, TN. · Michigan Research Ethics Conference (MREC). A deeper drive into Human Subject Protections. Michigan State University, April 29, 2016. East Lansing, MI · OHRP Research Community Forum. Human Subjects Research: Current challenges in the modern research world. Governors State University, University Park July 28, 2015. · OHRP Research Community Forum. Informed Consent Process, Madison, Wisconsin July 8, 2014. · Michigan Research Ethics Conference, Grand Rapids, Michigan April 25, 2015. · Educating Scientists in Research Ethics for the 21st Century, Annapolis, Maryland June 8 through 11, 2014. · Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) Research Community. An Educational Conference on Strategies for Optimizing the Protection of Human Participants in Research. Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan May 2, 2013. · Michigan Association of International Educators (MAIE) Conference, Grand Traverse Resort, Traverse City March 20-21, 2013 · Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, Alma Michigan, March 2, 2012 · National Association of Foreign Student Advisers (NAFSA), Kansas City, California, May 30- June 4, 2010 · Michigan Association of Evaluators Conference (MAE), Lansing, Michigan, May, 2010 · National Association of Foreign Student Advisers (NAFSA), Los Angeles, California, May 24-29, 2009 · Michigan Association of Evaluators Conference (MAE), Lansing, Michigan, May 8, 2009 · American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, Illinois, April 9-13, 2007 · Michigan Association of Professors of Educational Administration (MAPEA), Eastern Michigan University, October 24, 2007