

  1. Noah Opsahl's proposal on "A Multiple Case Study: Aesthetic Modailty of Integrated Edible Residential Landscape Designs in Dayton Ohio" (PDF), used with Mr. Opsahl's permission.


  1. Gwendoline Albright Ndikumagenge's proposal on "Strengthening social bonds in Bujumbura through public space: Redesigning Jardin Public de Bujumbura for the restoration of the city's sense of community" (PDF), used with Ms. Albright's permission.

Animal Science:

  1. Jared Wallen's proposal on "Monitoring the Immune Status of Calves at the Agriculture Education Center" (PDF), used with Mr. Wallen's permission.


  1. Janelle An's proposal on "Evaluation of Phonotactic Behavior in Male-exposed Female Acheta Domesticus" (PDF), used with Ms. An's permission.


  1. Ruben Colon's proposal on "More of the Same: The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act confirms the myth of Trickle-Down Economics" (PDF), used with Mr. Colon's permission.
  2. Jay Jay Martinez's proposal on "The Effective Predictors of the SPX Index" (PDF), used with Mr. Martinez's permission.


  1. Rayford Alva's proposal on "Evaluating Mutagenicity of Burned Arginine-based Heterocyclic Amines and Anti-mutagenicity Effect of Chinese Medicinal Herbs" (PDF), used with Mr. Alva's permission.

Computer Science:

  1. Sandrine Adap's proposal on "Developing a Computer Vision-based Mobile-Assisted Learning App for ASL Recognition" (PDF), used with Ms. Adap's permission.
  2. Solomon Kim's proposal on "Generative Adversarial Neural Networks for Labled Facial Creation" (PDF), used with Mr. Kim's permission.

Data Science:

  1. Nathaniel Patterson's proposal on "Finding an Embedding for Music Auto-Complete: An LSTM Approach" (PDF), used with Mr. Patterson's permission.


  1. Joshua Ahn's proposal on "The Use of Graphic Organizers in Note-taking and Review" (PDF), used with Mr. Ahn's permission.


  1. Greg Zdor's proposal on "Assessing the Mean Neuronal Firing Rate Information Hypothesis via Mutual Information" (PDF), used with Mr. Zdor's permission.


  1. Rebecca Keller's proposal on "Women and Work in 1970s America: A Creative Writing Exploration through the Short Story" (PDF), used with Ms. Keller's permission.
  2. Ingrid Radeulescu's proposal on "The Romanian Bard: Translating Shakespeare for a Post-Communist Nation" (PDF), used with Ms. Ingrid's permission.

History/Political Science:

  1. Αpril Grube's proposal on "An Intellectual, Cultural, and Social History on the Role of Film and Societal Trends: A Case Study of the Outlaw Jesse James" (PDF), used with Ms. Grube's permission.


  1. Victoria Kolpacoff's proposal on "The relationship between socioeconomic and behavioral indices and the prevalence of HIV/AIDS" (PDF), used with Ms. Kolpacoff's permission.

Medical Laboratory Sciences:

  1. Vanessa Angel's proposal on "Lectin Properties of Synthetically produced Glucoronate, Alginate, and Related Boronates" (PDF), used with Ms. Angel's permission.


  1. Arielle Cady's proposal on "Beethoven’s Violin Sonata Op. 23: Freedom of Interpretation in Passages of Formal Anomaly" (PDF), used with Ms. Cady's permission.


  1. Jonathan Borton's proposal on "The Boricua Dialogues: Puerto Rican Identity Through Conversation & Photopraphy" (PDF), used with Mr. Borton's permission.


  1. Kelsey Rook's proposal on "Finding Opimal Input Parameters for BayesWave" (PDF), used with Ms. Rook's permission.


  1. Talisa Gonzalez's proposal on "The Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Parenting Practices" (PDF), used with Ms. Gonzalez's permission.


  1. Nathon Hilton's proposal "A Cohesive Response to the Problem of Language in the Doctrine of God: A Phenomenological Approach."(PDF), used with Mr. Hilton's permission.

Social Work:

  1. Adoniah Simon's proposal on "Carbon Emission Reduction in the Global North: Fashioning Environmental Policy for the U.S." (PDF), used with Mr. Simon's permission.


  1. Cameron Mayer's proposal on "The Impact of Technology on the Develoing Visual and/or Auditory Memory in Children Age Four to Ten" (PDF), used with Ms. Mayer's permission.