Thesis Presentation Slidshows


  1. Gwendoline Albright Ndikumagenge's Presentation on "Strengthening social bonds in Bujumbura through public space: Redesigning Jardin Public de Bujumbura for the restoration of the city's sense of community" (PDF), used with Ms. Albright's permission.


  1. Heaven Shin's Presentation on "Chelerythrine chloride and its effects on phonotactic behavior in female crickets Acheta domesticus" (PDF), used with Ms. Shin's permission.


  1. Austin Rodgers's Presentation on "The Relationship between the Magnitude of Single-day Stock Price Declines and Subsequent Abnormal Returns" (PDF), used with Mr. Rodgers's permission.


  1. Ryutaro Jacobson Presentation on "Analyzing Thermodynamics for PAMAM Dendrimer Synthesis" (PDF), used with Mr. Jacobson's permission.


  1. Ellie Dovich's Presentation on "Bone Marrow Donor Recruitment Drive and Registry Awareness at Andrews University" (PDF), used with Ms. Dovich's permission.
  2. Isaac Smith's Presentation on "Investigating the Effects of Popularity on Comment Civility: A YouTube Case Study" (PDF), used with Mr. Smith's permission.

Computer Science:

  1. John-Luke Navarro's Presentation on "Crawling Tor’s Hidden Services and Depicting their Interconnectivity" (PDF), used with Mr. Navarro's permission.

Data Science:

  1. Nathaniel Patterson's Presentation on "Finding an Embedding for Music Auto-Complete: An LSTM Approach" (PDF), used with Mr. Patterson's permission.


  1. Emma Magbanua's Presentation on "Iago as Moral Other in Jonathan Munby’s Production of Othello" (2016) (PDF), used with Ms. Magbanua's permission.


  1. Chris Inae's Presentation on "Skidmore Air Vent Understanding Vent Properties to Propose Redesign Solutions" (PDF), used with Ms. Inae's permission.
  2. Greg Zdor's Presentation on "Assessing the Mean Neuronal Firing Rate Information Hypothesis via Mutual Information" (PDF), used with Mr. Zdor's permission.


  1. Christiane Gallos's Presentation on "Analysis of a Mathematical Model for Egg Laying in a Seabird Colony" (PDF), used with Ms. Gallos's permission.

Medical Laboratory Sciences:

  1. Vanessa Angel's Presentation on "Lectin Properties of Synthetically produced Glucoronate, Alginate, and Related Boronates" (PDF), used with Ms. Angel's permission.


  1. Tiffany Steinweg's Presentation on "The Adventist Musician Experience" (PDF), used with Ms. Steinweg's permission.


  1. Kelsey Rook's Presentation on "Finding Opimal Input Parameters for BayesWave" (PDF), used with Ms. Rook's permission.


  1. Carlyle Tagalog's Presentation on "Prosocial Effects of Perspective-Taking Through LEGO Play" (PDF), used with Mr. Tagalog's permission.


  1. Ruth Burn's Presentation on "Establish the Work of Our Hands: An Egyptology Informed Analysis of Psalm 90 with Creative Applications" (PDF), used with Ms. Burn's permission.


  1. Alex Wiist's Presentation on "AZBIO Sentence Accuracy For English as a Second Language Adults in Quiet and Background Noise" (PDF), used with Ms. Wiist's permission.