Thesis Presentation Slidshows
- Gwendoline Albright Ndikumagenge's Presentation on "Strengthening social bonds in Bujumbura through public space: Redesigning Jardin Public de Bujumbura for the restoration of the city's sense of community" (PDF), used with Ms. Albright's permission.
- Heaven Shin's Presentation on "Chelerythrine chloride and its effects on phonotactic behavior in female crickets Acheta domesticus" (PDF), used with Ms. Shin's permission.
- Austin Rodgers's Presentation on "The Relationship between the Magnitude of Single-day Stock Price Declines and Subsequent Abnormal Returns" (PDF), used with Mr. Rodgers's permission.
- Ryutaro Jacobson Presentation on "Analyzing Thermodynamics for PAMAM Dendrimer Synthesis" (PDF), used with Mr. Jacobson's permission.
- Ellie Dovich's Presentation on "Bone Marrow Donor Recruitment Drive and Registry Awareness at Andrews University" (PDF), used with Ms. Dovich's permission.
- Isaac Smith's Presentation on "Investigating the Effects of Popularity on Comment Civility: A YouTube Case Study" (PDF), used with Mr. Smith's permission.
Computer Science:
- John-Luke Navarro's Presentation on "Crawling Tor’s Hidden Services and Depicting their Interconnectivity" (PDF), used with Mr. Navarro's permission.
Data Science:
- Nathaniel Patterson's Presentation on "Finding an Embedding for Music Auto-Complete: An LSTM Approach" (PDF), used with Mr. Patterson's permission.
- Emma Magbanua's Presentation on "Iago as Moral Other in Jonathan Munby’s Production of Othello" (2016) (PDF), used with Ms. Magbanua's permission.
- Chris Inae's Presentation on "Skidmore Air Vent Understanding Vent Properties to Propose Redesign Solutions" (PDF), used with Ms. Inae's permission.
- Greg Zdor's Presentation on "Assessing the Mean Neuronal Firing Rate Information Hypothesis via Mutual Information" (PDF), used with Mr. Zdor's permission.
- Christiane Gallos's Presentation on "Analysis of a Mathematical Model for Egg Laying in a Seabird Colony" (PDF), used with Ms. Gallos's permission.
Medical Laboratory Sciences:
- Vanessa Angel's Presentation on "Lectin Properties of Synthetically produced Glucoronate, Alginate, and Related Boronates" (PDF), used with Ms. Angel's permission.
- Tiffany Steinweg's Presentation on "The Adventist Musician Experience" (PDF), used with Ms. Steinweg's permission.
- Kelsey Rook's Presentation on "Finding Opimal Input Parameters for BayesWave" (PDF), used with Ms. Rook's permission.
- Carlyle Tagalog's Presentation on "Prosocial Effects of Perspective-Taking Through LEGO Play" (PDF), used with Mr. Tagalog's permission.
- Ruth Burn's Presentation on "Establish the Work of Our Hands: An Egyptology Informed Analysis of Psalm 90 with Creative Applications" (PDF), used with Ms. Burn's permission.
- Alex Wiist's Presentation on "AZBIO Sentence Accuracy For English as a Second Language Adults in Quiet and Background Noise" (PDF), used with Ms. Wiist's permission.